Q: Hey Renderform guys, whats up?

A: Renderform is actually just one person, who goes by the name Azim Venksta.  I do everything, from initial design work, manufacturing, running the social media, order taking, emails, to packing and shipping orders out.  Yes, all this is possible for one person, and I have five years of running Renderform to prove it. 🙂

Q: Why is shipping so expensive?

A: Renderform is located in Canada.  Shipping to another country is always going to be expensive, and out of my control.  As I use Canada Post to ship all orders, actual pricing is used to charge for shipping.

Q: Are Renderform products fragile?

A: No, Renderform products use high quality Smooth Cast 326 Urethane resin for all products.  This resin is much stronger than the common white model kit resin most people are familiar with.  Just like the different types of ABS plastic used for official toys, there are different types of resin as well, which is a type of plastic itself.

Q: Why are Renderform products limited?

A: This is due to several reasons.  The main reason is, as a one person operation, from designing, manufacturing, order taking, emails, to shipping, it takes a lot of time.  Each  item is hand made, and takes time to create.  By announcing a limited run, this caps how many orders will be taken, to help make sure those who do order, get their product out in reasonable time, for what one person can humanly produce in. 🙂

Q: Why do Renderform products take long to receive after payment is made?

A: Each item is made to order.  Renderform is on the customizing side of “3rd party”, since all items are made by one person.  Not all the items made end up being worthy to ship out to customers, which can delay overall production, as time has to be spent again to make a quality piece.  A lot of times, Renderform receives high volume of orders do to popularity of certain items.  So the only option is to really cap what can be sold, or accept orders, and ensure a customer has a chance at the item they want.

Q: Any plans for non TF related projects?

A: Yes!  First, Renderform needs to get on its feet with the initial projects. =)