Category Archives: Uncategorized

Meg’s weapon – more weapons!

New update for 2010 on this project. I’ve designed two new weapons for Megatron. A laser-saber, from the G1 movie. I gave the handle my own design. I also gave him an updated sword, based off the G1 toy. The blade is more similar to the original, but with different details. The handle itself is my own design. Bad quality photos, but I’ll update the thread when I paint up the two weapons.

Classics Blaster Upgrade!?

Wanted to show the progress of a project I’ve been working on. Its an upgrade for Universe Blaster, the Cybertron Soundwave repaint. I felt he really deserved a new head, instead of the repaint Soundwave head.  I ended making two helmets.  One G1 style, and one to match the angular, Cybertron style body.  Both helmets can have different faces attached and removed, along with a flip down visor.  The new gun is a update based off the G1 design.  The guitar and Steeljaw were made for fun.  Photo of the 3d composition taken from

Classics Prime Ion Blaster!?

I’ve been working on a updated Ion Blaster for Classics Prime. Its around 12cm long. Its also 5 separate pieces that have to be put together. The middle section with the second handle can rotate 360 degrees. Also, the front barrel piece makes it easier to paint the inside silver. The very basic shape is based off the ion blaster shown in one of the IDW comics, drawn by EJ Su. The details themselves are made up by myself. Below are the progress renders and the finished version in 3D, along with a render to see how it might look with Classics Prime.

Hardhead vs Skyfall Upgrade?

I’m starting work on my Hardhead vs Skyfall addon parts. Both heads will incorporate the light up eyes feature that the toys have. This is a must for me. Below are concept designs for Skyfall’s new head. Its based off the G2 Skyjack figure, who Skyfall is suppose to be. I’m also thinking of adding a sniper rifle as a new weapon for him, which was suggested by my friend.  For Hardhead, just have a rough vehicle mode for concept for him.  Both photos are from

And here is a rough model for Skyfall’s new head.

Meg’s weapons – continued 3d work

Ok, so modeling is pretty much done. And here is something new. There are two bases. So I can attach the flail to which ever arm I want. G1 accuracy means it has to go on the right arm. But in the cartoon, Megatron didn’t have his cannon, and with the classic cannon not detachable, his right arm has too much fire power. So I think when it attaches to the left hand, it’ll balance the over all look for the figure. Anyways, let me know what you guys think. One note, my Megatron model is not toy accurate, so the actual pieces will look different on the real toy. 🙂