Order update on RF-004 #1

I am still processing orders.  Any orders sent, after the last update, will most likely not be able to be filled.  I apologize I did not anticipate the demand for this upgrade kit.
RF-004 will not be reissued, or have a second run.  Once the entire 275 kits are made, the masters will be retired.  However, if you follow some of my threads on various boards, I have mentioned of doing a new, very limited upgrade for Sideswipe’s head. This would be a totally new mold, along with remolded guns and shoulder rocket launcher.  As this is still something planned, but very far from release, I will state that a red version of that head will be released along side with it.   Hopefully, this will lower the demand on the RF-004 kit.  And for those that didn’t make it, you can wait for this other kit, later in the year.  I will make sure enough is made, for the initial demand, at the time of release.