RF-016G Greeny G. Green

RF-016G Greeny G. Green is a fun upgrade kit, made to go with Beast Hunters Voyager Grimwing.  Do to the nature of this kit, only 25 sets were made, and debuted at Botcon 2014.  Some kits do remain, and are available for ordering in the Renderform store.
This kit features yellow painted eyes, a metallic green “beak” on the helmet, a metallic green gun-blade, and a special green color Blackguard Slasher sword.

Please be aware.  As with the original RF-016 Death Czar kit, the RF-016G kit is not 100% compatible in beast mode on the Grimwing body, due to very tight clearance space for the head’s hiding spot.  Please keep this in mind if you consider ordering.